Le Corbusier

Since I began studying architecture, I’ve always liked Mies. I felt that there is actually something I can learn from his works. Le Corbusier? I understand his works as much as what the historians have analyzed, but as an architect and a creator, his works aren’t somethings that I can steal and turn them into my own. I don’t believe any other architect has done that either. Not even Philip Johnson. The only sure conclusion that I have is that Le Corbusier is a genius.

Le Corbusier’s houses emphasized on the ‘architectural promenade.’ I tried to capture the details and textures in my photography. They are the tangible ‘moments’ in the promenade that construct the whole. I sensed the care and attention expressive of humane qualities. By close examination, perhaps, we may get one step closer to understanding the architect.

My friend once told me Le Corbusier’s churches made him feel the presence of God. He’s not a Christian nor am I, but I understood what he meant. These works of architecture are powerful experiences and immersion into the genius of the creator. They are about the subconscious feelings and letting go to the will of the architect (or God). It’s almost a sin to take pictures because I could do no justice. His churches have very rugged details and handcrafted feel to them. Perhaps it is these humane characters that make us feel the divineness in these structures. Isn’t that ironic?